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Boy Scout RR Merit Badge


Railroading Merit Badge IndianaTransportMuseum

Calling all Boy Scouts
Earn the Railroading Merit Badge!

Beginning in March, 2010, the Indiana Transportation Museum (ITM) will offer instruction in the Railroading Merit Badge, led by Museum Docent – and “Name to be Announced”. Through both the pre-work you will complete before you attend class, and the hands-on instruction provided during the all-day class at the Museum, interested Scouts will gain insight into the past, present and future of Railroading and will successfully earn the merit badge.


IMPORTANT! Pre-Work Required Before Attending Class!

Before attending the Railroading Merit Badge class, Scouts must print out this workbook. Requirements 1a, 1c, and 3a MUST be completed PRIOR to the start of class! The remaining requirements will be covered during the class so Scouts can complete the remainder of the workbook. The workbook must be completed in order to be issued a "blue card" and be awarded the badge. There are a few short quizzes throughout the class, with a test at the end of the day. The completed workbook can be used as reference during the test. No "partial completions" will be awarded - Scouts not successfully completing all requirements will not receive a "blue card" and will not earn the badge. Scoutmasters will be notified of individuals not completing merit badge requirements.

Class Schedule

Merit Badge Instruction will be offered on the following dates. If classes are full, they will be crossed out, so check back often for the most current status. On all class days, Check-in begins at 8:30am, and the Class itself will run from 9:00am to 3:15pm including a break for lunch. See the Class Agenda later in this document.

Saturday, March *, 2010
Saturday, April *, 2010

What you will need:

Boy Scout Uniform (as complete as possible - you are representing the BSA and your troop) The printed workbook . Please be sure to complete requirements 1a, 1c and 3a PRIOR to arrival at the class. Bag lunch (no glass bottles, please)

$10.00 fee for the class


Registrations will be accepted starting in July 2009 for all class dates, and is strictly "first come, first served." Space for each class is limited to 20 Scouts and approximately 5 adults. The time-stamp of your e-mail registration will determine scheduling priority.

ATTENTION SCOUT LEADERS!  We would appreciate if you would refrain from attempting to reserve "spaces" in the class.  Registrations will not be accepted for unnamed participants. Registering for a class demonstrates a personal commitment by a Scout who has an interest in this topic. If a participant must later cancel because of illness or a change of plans, the slot will be filled by the next Scout on the waiting list. However, in the interest of using all available spaces, substitutions for last minute illnesses will be accepted at the door for an additional processing fee of one dollar ($1). Also, "blue cards" will be pre-printed with each individual Scout's name, and will be issued upon satisfactory course completion. If your Scout does not return with the "blue card," you should not award the badge. Questions regarding completion should be directed to the course registrar at

To Register

Fill out the on-line registration form on the CICTCA Web Site.  Be sure to complete all fields and to include this required information:
Scout's name, troop number, district
Contact name, phone number and e-mail address
Numbers of any unit leaders / parents who will attend (adult attendance is welcome, but not required)
Scoutmaster's name and e-mail address

You will receive an e-mail message confirming your registration. If you do NOT receive an e-mail, you are NOT registered for the class!

PLEASE NOTE: Standard BSA procedure requires Scoutmaster approval before a Scout begins work on a merit badge, which is why Scoutmasters have to sign the "blue cards." Prior to the class, Scoutmasters will receive an e-mail with a roster of registrants from their troop. Approval will be implied unless we are notified otherwise. Scoutmasters will also be asked to help us minimize no-shows by reminding the Scouts to attend or to provide a timely cancellation notification to the Registrar. This courtesy reflects on the honor of both the troop and the individual Scout.



Railroading Merit Badge Instructions - Additional Links

Merit Badge Class Agenda
Registration Form
Merit Badge Workbook
Frequently Asked Questions


Railroading Merit Badge Instruction - Class Agenda

Schedule for the Day

8:30-8:45   Arrival and Registration
9:00     Introduction
9:15     Class - Operation Lifesaver
10:15   Class - Signals
10:45   How a Locomotive Develops Power / Dynamic Braking / Radial Steering
11:15   Class: Model Railroad Layout: Design & Draw One / Switching Contest on Timesaver layout
12:15   Lunch Break & Train Layout / Museum observations
1:00     Tour of Museum
1:30     Class – Timetables
2:00     Review & Question Time
2:30     FINAL TEST, Merit Badge Paperwork Completion
2:45     Model Building / Completion of Other Requirements
3:15     Dismissal, Receive "Blue Card"

Scouts are welcome to tour the Museum after the class concludes!

Ground Rules

  1. Use the buddy system.
  2. A Scout is COURTEOUS, Respect the instructor and classmates by being quiet during class, paying attention and taking notes.
  3. Good conduct while touring the Museum and at Lunch.
  4. Have Fun!
  5. A Scout is CLEAN, please pick up after yourself.

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